Silky Thoughts

Wooly words

Satin scents

Plush pains

Velvety views

Tender treats

Fuzzy fights

Cozy contentment

Supple serenity

It’s the feeling of being in love

It’s the feeling of accomplishment

It’s coming home at the end of a long day

It’s meditation

I feel the most me when I am Her

The girl who inhales and exhales silk

The girl who lives up in the clouds

In a palace of luxurious delicacies

A carefree smooth surface

A state so plentiful that greed is trivial

A temper so mild and sheer

An invitation to pass right through it

It’s the feeling you get when you’re surrounded by trees

When you look up at the sky

When you feel the warm summer air rifle through your hair

It’s molten silk that seeps through your fingers

It’s your favorite song

When your stomach hurts from laughing

When you feel your dog’s warm pants against your sink

It’s the sound of your parents’ voices outside your door


Abundance of spirit

Joy, placidity, contentment


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