A Trip Gone Terribly Wrong.

We crashed there was lots of yelling. I’m not sure what happened it all sorta happened so quickly one minute were fixing our radios to tell everyone we are about to land and then next minute our ufo is quickly losing control we were spinning,turning, there was nothing for us to see besides smoke coming from our ufo all we could think about is how we can’t do anything about it im mean by the time any of the passengers on board noticed it was too late all we could do is pray nothing bad happens to us and think about our families. In that moment the moment I realized our ufo was slowly but surely falling all the one think I i could think about besides my family was how much I missed in life, I am still so young I didn’t get to have the full life experience if I didn’t make it out, I never had a bucket list but in this exact moment I wish I had got to create one im not sure what would be on it though I mean what else could I do? The moment the ufo crashed we we’re all shocked although we crashed there was no serious damage none of us were injured we were all terrified but none injured. Isn’t that a funny thing to thing about how life is so short, anything can happen and I mean anything one experience can change your look on everything especially a death experience you will start to appreciate the little thing all because of that one experience.

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