Mentally Broken

I open my eyes to find myself staring up at the sky, or at least a painted version on the ceiling. After staring at the clouds i decide to take a look around the room. I see a tv and an Xbox, with all my favorite games on the shelves behind. I see a fridge, I open it to find it stocked with chicken nuggets and Sprite, my favorite meal. I look at the walls and see all my posters i had in my bedroom back home. As i walk to my bed I suddenly have a massive anger spike and rip the posters down and break the sink. As i am going crazy a guy in a white coat comes in and sticks a needle in my back and i suddenly calm and am led to my bed. As i lay there I slowly drift towards sleep.

“Is he going to be okay doc?” Ally asks as she watches her husband drifts into a peaceful sleep.

“The trauma your husband experienced to the head was significant. We will just have to wait and see if he will heal on his own.” Dr. Glum says, as he exits the room to go check on his other patients.

When he leaves, Ally breaks down crying. As she leaves she vows to find the man who broke her husband and end him, even if it kills her.

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