Write a story which takes place within an unusual room.

Try to choose a room that you are unfamiliar with, where you need to think carefully about what might really happen there.

Chilling Wine Room Experience

The cold dark wine room that a waiter push me into had only two tables with two chairs each, each one equally as cold as the room. As I thought I had enough of this place I turn the door knob and surprise to see it locked. I started panicking banged on the door screaming for help and doing that every five minutes. It has been 30 minutes since I came to the restaurant and 15 minutes since I went to the restroom by myself, this is not how my ninth birthday was supposed to go. My parents said I could do big girl things now like going to the bathroom by myself. I did not foresee that waiter with scars on his palms roughly push me in this room. It’s been an hour now and somehow it started getting even colder it was feeling like an icebox also didn’t help that was 9 PM on my Frozen theme wrist watch. I started tapping and yelling at the door every 15 minutes but I’m not sure if they could hear me, I wish someone would let me out soon as I was already terrified. Two hours later I started getting very sleepy I wondered if no one would ever find me or if I would be just like all those stacks of beef in the meat room next door all frozen and preserved, it was even colder now but somehow I didn’t care now I just wanted to go to sleep. …….. …………….. ……………………. Somehow a fairy appeared in front of me She said my parents were never coming to get me so it would be best to go with her where I would have fun all day every day she looked very warm and comforting I said I would love to but I can’t abandon them my parents I mean she then said she’ll stay with me until then, I said sure… =========Next day=========== The air was warm and inviting in the hospital compared to my Near death experience in that icebox of a wine room. I was found Close to midnight with a sheet of ice all over me I was then taken to the hospital where I Was given a bed for the night due to the hypothermia that developed according to the doctor. According to dad the guy who put me in here was arrested and will soon be in prison he was known to be a type of person Who would eat people and that people are the best when young. As for as how long it took them to find me? Well the waiter had gave all sorts of excuses during the night to prevent them from looking further. First normal things such as I was still in the bathroom or I wandered off but then he had made up that I had wondered out of the restaurant, or that apparently I had a note to run away, and that I was already kidnapped by some strange man.(ironic isn’t it?) As soon as he started saying those things they had called the police and the waiter with no way to stop them tried running away but he didn’t get too far and got caught.(serves you right!!) Anyway I’m fine now and have no problems other than my parents are being super Duper over protective right now.
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