Write a short story about two characters who grow up together.

🔥Frank And Brianna🚨

Frank and Brianna are an unlikely duo.

They first met each other at the age of six, finding a bit of comfort in one another as a horrible fire was ravaging their neighborhood. Surrounded on all sides by the flames, they huddled together hopelessly, certain that their short lives would be coming to an end. And then, just in the nick of time, a firefighter swooped in to save the day, and ever since then, Frank and Brianna have scarcely left each other’s sides.

At school, the other kids whisper mean things about Frank when they think he isn’t listening. When Brianna is alone, they tell her to ditch him. Even the teachers wonder how the two ever became friends. They are lenient with Brianna and encourage her if she fails, yet they jump on Frank for every mistake he makes.

Despite all this, Brianna stays loyal, and Frank keeps his head up. They value their friendship more than the stereotypes that others might assign to them. From age six to age twelve, their relationship has never wavered. They help each other with homework and studies, they play games and sports when they have time, and, when the weather is good, they ride their bikes around the neighborhood together. Some scowl at Frank, some smile at Brianna, but there are also others, those decent people who judge them for them.

The truth is, though, that the two children have long since stopped caring. Frank knows that he is not his father, and Brianna knows that she is imperfect just as everyone else. Even if Brianna’s father, a well-known policeman, was the one who arrested Frank’s father, the arsonist who started the neighborhood fire all those years ago, it doesn’t matter. Their lives are their own, and they plan to stay best friends until the end of time itself.

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