The First Mother

I am the ghost of the first mother.

I guide my daughters through their lives, helping them grow. When they themselves have daughters, I help them raise them, to learn to let them go when it is time. Then those daughters are guided onto the path with me that will lead them to raising their own kids.

On and on, the cycle goes.

Occasionally, I assist a father as well.

They are EXTREMELY reluctant.

I once had a father that almost killed his daughter’s boyfriend. I convinced him not.

But that is a story for another time.

Time for another raising.

I descend into the city, towards a hospital. I have already arranged the appointment.

The woman, no older then 25, is alone. She cuddles her baby, talking to it softly.

No… singing.

I swoop in the window. She looks up and smiles.

“So, the newest arrival in the world,” I say, “what is her name?

“I’d like to name her Tal” she says.

“Beautiful. You accept my guidance?”


“That is good.”

And so, Tal became my new ward, along with Jennet, her mother. She was a quiet baby, always taking the world in. When she was 5, she was a very happy and funny girl. But when she came of age the first time, at age ten, (double digits, so I consider it a coming of age!) she became quiet again. She was serious, with bursts of laughter. As she became older, she began to be more solemn, with the occasional smile. She was a fierce girl, and often felt as though she was quite strong. She was right. In short bursts, she could easily fight with her hands, and win as well.

At age 11 she had her second coming. She had her first boyfriend. First love. Oh, and first breakup. Hayden did not know when to quit bugging her.

Now she is 12. I still have a ways to go with her, but I enjoy it. There is still the first House, the first Husband, first Baby.

After that I shall move on to her child, but she shall stay in my mind. When she dies, if she is a good mother and grandmother, possibly great grandmother, I shall hire her to help me watch over a family.

Ah, raising a child… such interesting things happen. I quite enjoy the process!*

*but then again, I’m there to guide. I’m not actually the mother, paying for the growing kid’s clothes and food and doctor and dentist fees.”

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