Out With The Old In With The New

“So, here we are”.

“Yep. Here we are”, I repeat.

‘Do you know why I have brought you here?”, Astra says.

“To the imaginary blank sheet of paper in my mind? No, I do not in fact know why”.

“Really? You can’t think of a single problem I’d want to discuss with you?”

“Nope”, I say.

“How about my replacement?!”, Astra spits.

I chuckle and shake my head. “What about her?”

“Oh, come on. You dump the story you had going on between me and Rohan and create a whole new story without even changing the name. Now you have two characters named Astra!”

“Look, no hard feelings but your story was kind of lame”.

Astra gasped, offended.

New Astra appear in the blank sheet of paper.

“Heyy, I heard you guys talking bout me”, New Astra says.

“This. This is her?”, Astra point to New Astra without a trace of humor on her face. “Alright, were done here”. She pats her knees as she gets up and leaves.

New Astra and I look at each other and shrug. She takes the empty chair in front of me.

“So how are you?”, I say like a mom gossiping after church.

“I’m great! Ugh, but oh my, Mero is being so difficult”, New Astra says as she rolls her eyes.

“A I see, well we can’t have that. I’ll change it later”. I wink at New Astra.

She smiles and we sip the tea that was suddenly in our hands.

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