
It was a very simple plan. Painfully simple even.

Get in, make the deal, get out.

The soft rain was an unwelcome factor, but did little to change the plans.

Because again, painfully simple. Get in, make the deal, get out. How could it go wrong?

“You have the product?”

She lifts up the inside of her coat to reveal a bizzare looking knife.

“This is what they paid a million for?”

“In the same way postmen don’t open letters and judge their contents, we are to “sell” this…whatever it is, get paid and bugger off.”

A tinted windowed car painted deep black - it looked deeper than your ordinary black - pulled up to the alleyway. But this wasn’t the model they told us we’d see.

Something’s wrong.

A tall, slender figure emerges from the vehicle.

Double red flag. It’s meant to be a short stubby fella.

“Pssst. Look up. Someone’s watching.”

And above us on the 4th floor, a shadowy presence seems to take a very keen interest in our business down here.

My partner hisses at me.



“We need to get the hell outta here.”

Yeah. Good call.

We duck into the side passage of the alleyway, just as the tall slender figure pulls out a gun, and levels it at our retreating ankles.

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