Write a story where all the dialogue takes place through telepathy.

You don't only have to write dialogue, but consider how telepathy would affect the incorporation of action, tone, and development of your story.

Telepathically In Trouble: Part 2

Carrie: What are we gonna do?

Jacob: I dunno, you got an idea?

Carrie: No, that’s why I asked you

Jacob: Oh yeah, okay

Carrie: They’re looking for us and everyone else who’s telepathic

Jacob: We can’t let our friends get caught

Carrie: I know....

Carrie: Wait.... I know how we’re gonna help them!

Jacob: What?! How?

Carrie: Okay, here’s the plan.......

Part 3 coming soon! I should probably also do a part 1 first, but I have an idea for that. I also gotta find the right prompt for it. Hope you enjoyed this!

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