The Forbidden Door

I looked at the door at the end of the hall way with wide eyes I’ve been staring at the wide open door for about a minute and a half now debating on walking towards it or not. “ I don’t think I’ll have another chance, I have to go in.” I said out loud to myself, walking forward down the hall I realized that led I got caught I would be grounded probably since my mom and grandma told me not to touch the door, I did once and got grounded for a week. Pushing the memories and warnings to the back of my mind I ran into the room nearly slipping before catching myself stumbling to a stop looking up into the room all I saw was black as I didn’t turn on the light before coming in, Turing around closing the door and reaching for the light at the same time I flicked the light on while the door came to a close.

Turing around with a devious smile on my face and excitement in my eyes finally being in the room that I and even my mother were forbidden from entering. Turing around to face into the room with my back to the door the thing I noticed first was that the room has no windows but I had no time worry about windows my mouth dropped open, my eyes wide I stared in disbelief I just couldn’t believe what I was seen! There was a hug globe almost the size of the room perfectly in the centered in the room with just enough space to walk all around the globe. If that wasn’t surprising enough the globe was what I can only describe as alive.

No really I saw it moving like if I was looking at a screen shaped into a ball, there were clouds, oceans,birds ,land masses and islands! In shock I haven’t moved an inch from the spot I was originally when I closed the door my mind trying to process what I was looking at I finally moved closer to the globe in a daze reaching my hand out to touch it only for my hand to pass through the clouds! I felt a slight breeze. In even more shock now I flinched my hand was before it touched the water. Staring into the globe with an overwhelming amount of emotions excitement, fear, worrying and confusion.

“What the fuck?” Words finally coming out of my mouth kind of surprising me, bringing my back into reality I looked around the room once more glancing at the globe as I backed up towards the door Turning around twisting the doorknob I swung the door up. With a blank face I walked out the door Turning of the light before closing it not sure on how to lock it I walked away hoping no one would notice.

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