Beneath the Surface

Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning,

In a sea of expectations and uncertainty,

Smiling on the outside, but inside,

It's like a storm that never finds calm.

They see my laughter, they see my face,

But they don't know the battles I embrace,

Underneath this facade of strength,

Lies a heart that's tired of pretending.

In the quiet of the night, I wonder,

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Surrounded by friends, yet feeling alone,

Longing for a place where I truly belong.

Each day feels like a struggle to survive,

To keep swimming when I just want to dive,

Into the depths where no one can see,

The fears and doubts that consume me.

But I'll keep going, because that's what I do,

Masking the pain with a smile or two,

Hoping someday I'll break through this surface,

And find a peace that feels purpose.

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