"Take it! Take it all" The disgruntled man yelled at a city bus stop. He had with him a few suitcases and a large wooden trunk. He was clearly traveling.

A woman in a fur coat and high heels was walking away down the street. She hoisted a choice finger up into the air back at the man.

"I dont need anything! Especially not you!" He raised the power of his voice as much as it would go. Then the man kicked a suitcase into the street. He grabbed another one and tossed it onto the sidewalk, spilling clothes all over.

There came a scraggily voice. "You don't want this?"

"What!?" The man turned around in anger, only to see a hunchbacked dirty homeless man pushing three shopping carts that were linked together. Various garbage bags full of random items were stacked into heaps. On the sides of the carts he had tied more items with twine.

"Oh uh, Im sorry." The disgruntled man suddenly changed his tone. "Uh yeah... yeah. you can have it. You know what? She paid for everything, take it all." He began to scoop the clothes back into the suitcase that had spilled open. He quickly zipped it shut and handed it to the man.

"You sure?" The homeless man asked hesitantly. He almost did not want to grab the bag, the look of an impending trap in his eyes.

The man nodded. "Positive."

"What about the other bags?" The homeless man asked. He grabbed the suitcase and threw it on top of one of his trash bag piles.

"Please. Take everything. Its your lucky day." The man said, sighing and sounding sadder by the second.

The homeless man delighted in glee. He ran over to the street and gathered up the other suitcases. He then tried to drag the trunk but it was too heavy.

"Oh yeah, the trunk." The man commented. "I nearly forgot." He walked over to it and put in a combination. It released a lock and he flipped the latch open and opened the trunk.

To the homeless man's complete surprise it was filled with gold bars! He could not resist and reached for one. It was surprisingly heavy. "Is it?"

"Gold? Yeah. Its the real deal."

"Can I?"

"Its all yours buddy. Go start a new life."

The homeless man began to scramble to unload the trunk and hide the gold bars among his shopping carts so they couldnt be seen. He stopped suddenly after a few trips and looked at the other man.


"Because I dont want her to have it."

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