Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
I don’t need to write a story about this. We’ve all been in a position, where our emotions and thoughts have guided us toward a path that actually isn’t as stable as it had seemed.
The love of my life is gone, finding a new path is harder than I have previously known
You have misunderstood, I’m sure. but I’m sure it has hurt more to be misunderstood. When you care about the person who has these thoughts about you, when they’re not true. You want to show them otherwise, but the misunderstanding has barred you two apart.
This pain, the pain with being misunderstood.
Can I really do nothing?
Love finds a way? It sounds like bullshit to me. Yet still I hold, that she may take another chance with me.
You writhe in pain and agony, this pain of being misunderstood
Very few stories can truly replicate this
The pain with being misunderstood.