Burning Ears

The Day Started As Normal As Can Be

I Performed My Best At My J.O.B.

Later That Day I Was Ask To Join In The Visitation Of An Uncompleted Construction Site

The Store Brioni

My CoWorker Decided To Make A Call Live On Speaker With The Volume On Max To The GC

When He Answered And Was Asked One Question It Sparked An Inflamed Rage

All I Heard Was References Toward My Boss And Myself Going Off About The Managerial Changes We’ve Made To Improve The Operations Of The Property

Total Disrespect And Benevolent Words We’re Flying Off Of The Tongue Of That Fruity Guy

Who Had No Idea That My Ears Played Witness To His Venting Cry

I Immediately Excused Myself To A Quiet Place

To Seek My Peace And Pray To My Lord In The Sky

I Prayed For The Guy And My CoWorker In which Didn’t Take My Back Causing Me To Question, WHY

But There’s No Worries Here Because The Devil Is A Lie


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