One Man’s Trash, Is Another Man’s Tragedy

My city on fire…

My home reduced to ashes,

While the fire whips and crashes,

All this trauma,

from trying to influence the masses

My city on fire…

The park where I played hide and seek,

When I was young, and weak

Now seems like a graveyard for my hopes and dreams

My city on fire…

They’re all gone now

my wife, my son, and my daughter

I lost them in this needless slaughter,

All because my government couldn’t bothered

My city on fire…

I didn’t die…

My soul was murdered

By politicians who couldn’t get a long

It’s not my mistakes,

But I’m the one that has to be strong

My city on fire…

And now my world is too.

Where do I go from here?

I haven’t a clue.

I don’t know how I can live with this.

If there is a god…

He is going to have to beg for my forgiveness

My city on fire…

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