by Annie Spratt @ Unsplash

Write a story where an important scene takes place in an outdoor play area.

Justice Trap 😊

I’m going to try something different…

So usually people write from the victims pov. This time I want to do the bad guys pov, with a fair amount of justice served!

He cracked another grin behind the face mask he could now get away with because of covid. He was wearing a black hoodie and dark, dark jeans. His hood was pulled up and his mask was black.

He watched the little girl go down the slide, again. This was her seventh time, and it was finally getting dark. Her mother was staring at her phone, it should be pretty easy to make the snatch.

He started edging towards the little blond girl. Her mother glanced up, but didn’t notice him. “Miriam, almost time to go.”

“Okay mommy.” She went down the slide one last time and ran to her mother, oblivious to the masked man standing ten foot away her!

The park was empty as the mother stood up and walked to the car, the little girl trailing behind, not fast enough to keep up. As they passed by him, he stuck out his arm and snatched her up, shoving his hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t make a sound. He backtracked into the woods, making sure the mother didn’t here.

The little girl squirmed and whimpered, but she couldn’t scream. He cracked a grin, glad she couldn’t see him. He had no desire to rape her, but she would bring a fair price when he sold her to the out of landers, the people that came in a ship, hosting signs of buying children.

He finally got to his car and popped the trunk. Shoving her in, he slammed the lid and ran to his car door. He jammed the key into the ignition and back fired as he sped out the lot. He made a right, then two lefts, ending with another right. He snatched the girl out of the truck again and, not really caring that she was crying, he ran to the docks and up to the ship.

“Captain!” He hollered. The captain barged out of his small cabin on the boat and ran to him. Once he saw the package, he grinned.

“Finally. Thank you, sir.”

He grinned. “How much will she bring me?”

The captain put a hand on his chin and looked up, thinking. “How about…” before he could finish, the kidnapper felt his hands shoved into cuffs. The captain laughed. “.. some time in jail? We set this up for guys like you, who are willing to hurt an innocent child for money. You are charged with kidnapping, sir.”

I hope you enjoyed!! 😂😘😘

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