Choose an everyday item and write a short story about its invention.
Be as creative and outlandish as you like; how might this regular object have come to exist?
“Oh my the telly’s too far away, I can’t reach it from here..”
“Why not stand up and go near it dear?”
“Why I’m too comfortable in my position, this couch is lovely.”
“Well you can’t reach the telly from there can you?”
“I know, tis why I said I couldn’t reach it.”
“Hmm, better get going then love.”
“Oh but I wish I could control the telly from here.”
“You can’t darling, so you must stand up and go near it.”
“Oh… but I really want to stay..”
“Well you’ll have to think of something then, don’t you?”
And thus the remote for television was introduced.
The end
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