
The air tickled. I could feel it, gently touching my face and hair. I walked slowly through the field only using my sixth sense to guide me. Even though the gods had taken my eyes they had given me other gifts. It was a big price to pay but all my senses were heightened. The wind blew through the field of long grass and I knew how tall it was from the whooshing sound as it was blown this way and that.

I ran my hands through the grass, feeling the wetness of the afternoon on my palms. The gods will always balance. They took my family from me but gave me a home in nature. I smiled sadly as I remembered my family, my mother and father, and my younger sister Myra. Their faces were blurred now, as time had eroded them to shifting features but I still remembered their purple eyes.

My bare feet felt cool on the wet dew but when the grass started to retreat and I could feel the fresh soil under my feet I knew I was in the the right spot. I dropped to my knees and began digging with my hands, scoping handfuls of wet soil out of the earth and throwing them over my shoulder. After an hour of digging I found the three skeletons.

I stood up. The gods will always balance. I breathed deeply and reached out with my sixth sense. All the blades of grass, the worms and insects, the weeds and the trees, I could feel them all. I could feel the life in them all. They all had an energy that could be used elsewhere. I pulled the energy from them, not very hard, but in a blink of a spiders eye the energy was gone, and formed into a cloud in front of me. I remembered the faces of my family, of little Myra, and directed the energy into the skeletons, lying in the dirt half covered in soil.

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