Awaited Meeting

_“Magic has a price, are you willing to pay it? Luca?”_

That is what his great-grandmother had said when he had showed an interest in magic.

Oh how luca loved his _‘price’…_

_ _Luca, a man with black ebony hair and sapphire like eyes, came from a family of mages. Spellcasters. Healers. Poisoners. Herbalists, and a few necromaners.

No one in the Mori family ever had a patron or a deity. Making Luca the first warlock in memento city.

To Luca, the deal seemed beneficial. Selling your soul via a marriage contract? Killing two birds with one stone.

There were rules however, made by the creature.

_Ruled one: the marriage contract would not be fulfilled until Luca was of age. _

_Rule two: Luca would not see this beings face until he was freed from his prison and when the contract was fulfilled._

_Rule three: no suitors. As the creature would be watching over Luca, so no harm comes to him._

Three rules. Three simple easy rules. ‘Seems easy enough’ thought the six year old Luca.

**Fourteen years later….**

Luca carefully stepped down onto the old mossy stone stairs. His hands gracing the dirt walls of the cave as he ventured further. It had rained the previous week, the stairs slick and wet and the walls muddy.

Luca could only hiss as he dug his pale boney fingers into the dirt as he slipped, catching himself before he fell. The long skirts of his black robes soaked with dirt, water and bits of moss.

“Blasted creature…” he uttered, his posh sophisticated thick with annoyance “Didn’t bloody warn me how much trouble this be..”

He took a deep heavy breath through his nose, ‘this is for the contract..’ he began his decent once more, his fingers now darkened with dirt.

** **

He ventured down, stone step after stone step, huffing in annoyance after every near slip, the dirt walls slowly turning into stone. He came across a large opening in the single passage. The cavern was large, full of lush thriving greenery. Water droplets falling to the stone ground creating an echo.

Sat in the cavern stood a small mausoleum. Vines from the lush greenery wrapping around the stone like fingers wrapping around a neck. Luca’s feet took him forward without much of a fight. His black flats wet, crushing any plants in his way.

Through the gates was a cracked mossy tomb, showing its age. The gate opens with a rusty loud creak.

Luca felt lighters when he touched the tomb. Like a weight taken off his shoulders.

The room grew cold, despite the warm day. Goosebumps formed on Lucas skin as a voice filled his head..

_“Hello darling”_

Pink eyes bore into his blue ones. He was indescribable. The creatures form twitched and slithered as it spoke once again.

_ “How you’ve grown. I remember you could barely reach my knee when we first met..” _it chartled. _“You remember our deal, don’t you?”_

Luca could only nod, he was left speechless. His tounge felt swollen in his mouth.

“The marriage contract…” Luca mumbled, finally finding his voice

_“Yes, what a good memory you have.” It chuckled “you must give me at least one heir now that you are of age. I promissse to treat you well, little husband.” _

Luca said nothing, silent as a mouse.

_“Call me Markus.” _


_“Well Luca, let’s head home to get this deal underway” _it responded, giving a sharp toothed grin.


With that dear readers, is how the infamous Markus and Luca Mori met and married.

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