Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
The Night Before The Wedding
Linda was holding Phoebe whilst she was breathing into a paper bag trying to calm herself down. In and out, in and out, in and out. Wendy was pacing, her dark locks bouncing with every step she took whilst on the phone “we don’t CARE that the cake isn’t ready, we need a cake for the wedding!” She screamed down the phone.
It was all in shambles, how did her perfect wedding become such a mess in a space of 48hours thought Phoebe. It was definitely a sign not to get married to Phillip, it had to be. Linda kept stroking Phoebes long blonde hair, more to calm herself down rather than Phoebe before offering to go grab them all a bottle of wine.
5 minutes after she left, Rita came in, dripping water from her coat that she acquired from the storm outside. Phoebe looked at her, still hyperventilating and Rita looked into her brown eyes and murmured “the venue is flooded”. Phoebe passed out. Rita and Wendy looked at each other then quickly scrambled to get her feet up and put the fan on to Phoebe to cool her down.
Phillip hesitantly knocked on the door of his future wife’s room and let himself in before seeing his fiance laying on the floor with her feet up. The confusion must’ve been visible on his face because Rita looked up with her blue eyes, her red fringe falling in her eyes and simply said “the venue got flooded, so she passed out. Also the cake won’t be here tomorrow, the ovens in the bakery are all electric so the power cut has caused a back log of cakes”.
Phillip swiftly moved to pick up Phoebe and placed her in the 4 post bed. Her golden locks falling all over the silky pillows she insisted on having so she doesn’t break out before the wedding. He was the luckiest man alive and he is going to make this wedding happen no matter what.
Rita and Wendy awkwardly stood waiting for Philip to finish his thoughts. He turned to them, his green eyes still in deep thought and then he clapped his hands “this is what we are going to do” was all he could say before getting interrupted by Linda who came back with not one but two bottles of Prosecco “I’m back! What did I miss?”.