Submitted by Joey
The phone rings, and it's the last person you'd expect...
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Reality Show
The phone rings, and it’s the last person you’d expect to be calling…
This just so happen to be Tanisha’s weekend to be on call.
And what does that entail? You may ask.
Due to being a healthcare provider one of her responsibilities required that she answer phone calls from nurses for a twenty four hour period twice a month. She would receive multiple calls from the home health nurse’s, seeking advice in regards to medication and treatment options for their patient’s. The home care organization Tanisha worked for covered an extensive multi state service area.
That’s why Tanisha did not even think twice,
and wasn’t the least bit surprised when a call came in from an unknown area code.
The healthcare providers served as an
extra layer of support and a valuable resource for the nurses.
But this was not a nurse calling in for new orders or advice. And, neither was this any other ordinary call…
“Good afternoon this is Tanisha. How may I help and be of service to you?” Tanisha answered her cell phone in her most cheerful and enthusiastic voice.
“Good Morning Ms. Tanisha! Hope all is well!
The caller on the other end gave a bit of a chuckle.
“Do you have any idea to whom you might be speaking to?” The caller joyfully asked.
“Ummm your voice sounds soooooo
familiar, could you please say something else?”
Tanisha politely asked.
“Okay…just think about one of the realty shows that you frequently watch on OWN,” The caller
kindly suggested.
“ Let me see…on OWN…I know this voice!
I know You’re Voice!” Tanisha exclaimed, lightly tapping her forehead with the palm of her hand.
“Oh my goodness!…No! No! it can’t be!
Ms Iyanla? Is this you?” She screamed to
the top of her lungs. “I’m one of your biggest fans! Ms. Iyanla!…from the reality show!”
Tanisha shouted, into the phone with
extreme excitement.
“You’re absolutely correct, and thank you for being an awesome fan! Yes! this is
Iyanla Vanzant, from Iyanla Fix my Life.
Well…it appears that you emailed my producers approximately eight months ago, in regards to some unresolved matters that your family and you were struggling with. Am I correct?”
Iyanla cautiously asked.
Tanisha began jumping up and down in her office with glee.
“Yes ma’am, I did… Wow! I didn’t realize I sent my email eight months ago. To be completely truthful with you Ms. Iyanla, it’s been so long…
And I’ve been so busy working…I completely forgotten all about my email. Tanisha nervously giggled.
I guess when I didn’t receive a response right away, I attempted to handle my family situation the best way I knew how….Avoidance.
I’m a professional healthcare provider,
so I know a little something about psychology.”
Tanisha explained.
“That’s awesome Ms. Tanisha, I’m sure you
did a fantastic job. Let me ask you this…
has your relationship with your mom
and sisters improved?
or do you still feel the need for some unbiased
analysis and counseling?”
“No ma’am, things have not improved…actually
it’s my estimation that unfortunately…
I hate to say this …but things have spiraled downhill and our relationships have deteriorated. My sisters and I are currently not even on speaking terms…it’s so sad.
The reason being Ms. Iyanla____I recently found out that my sister’s kelp a major family secret from me. The secret should not have been hidden from me…
And, to make matters worse…I believe my mom was in on it, and may have told them not to tell me the truth.
Tanisha was now crying as she tried to get her point across to Ms. Iyanla.
“ Awwww I am so sorry to hear this Ms.Tanisha,
but that’s exactly why you emailed our producers, so that you could possibly be chosen to appear on our show and receive the
one on one help that you deserve.
And the way this works is that once our producers read over the hundreds of emails that come in daily. The emails have to go through a rigorous selection process, and the
several emails that are chosen…are than forwarded to me and my associates
to read over, discuss and make a decision on.
Its an extremely tedious process.
If a particular family situation stands out, that particular email is finalized and approved by me. Then we move ahead with the official invitation to bring the originator of the email and at least three other family members, into our guest
studio for a screening.
And as you know from watching our show,
I am a life coach and relationship expert.”
This is one of my passions.
I can’t guarantee that all your problems will be solved, but …I can guarantee that we will forge ahead to get to the root cause.
Lines of communication will be reopened, relationships will be rekindled!
“Yes ma’am ! That’s exactly what I hope to achieve! I have seen so many of your shows where a family may have been in crisis, ( just like my family) and we’re not talking to each other and you’ve assisted them to start back corresponding. Like I said earlier, I have two sisters and we’re currently not on speaking terms….and my mom…well it’s a long story…”
Tanisha’s tears continued to stream
down her cheeks.
“ That’s okay my dear… it’s okay to cry. We will get into the specifics of your situation a little bit later…
But yes…I’ve even assisted families that have been estranged from one another for five or more years, but they’ve been willing to put in the work, and to come back together. I bring them to our safe house and we
sit around my large table… and barriers and chains have been broken!
Family units have been restored!
During our time together, which usually encompasses a three day period…
we will have the capability to focus on your specific problems. I will be able to shed some light and bring about a totally different perspective. My objectivity into the situation
will be unique and full of challenges.
This will allow you and your family to come to grips with their problems and be incentivized to step up to meet the challenges, head on to begin the healing process.”
Iyanla spoke in a reassuring, convincing and consoling tone.
Tanisha continued to weep uncontrollably.
“Ms. Tanisha, I would like to offer you and your family an invitation…
We would like for you and three of your family members to fly out to LA for an all expense paid trip to meet with my producers and I, in order
to gather a bit more information
to possibly become finalists for a taping for our final episode for our tenth season!”
So …how does all of this sound to you
Ms. Tanisha? what do you think about all of this?”
Ms. Iyanla eagerly asked, and awaited
Tanisha’s response.
“Yes! Absolutely! Yes! Ms. Iyanla Count me in!
I just hope my family will be in agreement
to join me.”
“Fantastic! Ms Tanisha no worries… You just leave your family up to my phenomenal crew and myself. We will contact your family and I can assure you it’s going to all work out…
I look forward to seeing you in LA!”
As Tanisha pressed the red hang up button on her cell phone, she then dabbled away her
tears with a Kleenex.
Tanisha couldn’t help but say to herself
“I truly hope Ms. Iyanla can fix my life.”