Please, leave alone my broken soul

Write a vilanelle that includes this in it. A vilanelle is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain.

Please (Villanelle)

Please, leave alone my broken soul,

Tarnished by years of doubt

And hate as black as coal.

Please, come hold me in your heart.

In this warm, sturdy embrace

You can mend my broken parts.

Please, forgive me for my sins.

The past is gone away

But its words still stain my skin.

Please, walk into my mind.

The door has been unlocked.

It’s dark and cold, but kind.

Please, fly away with me,

All the way into the stars.

Are you my destiny?

I hope I do not ask too much,

But you really need to know.

My feelings for you are as such:

Pure as winter snow.

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