You are clearing up after a dinner party when you find a bloodstained knife in the kitchen.
Continue the story. Who - and where - is the victim?
where did gina go?
sarah just couldn’t stop smiling. she and her boyfriend danny had just hosted a very successful dinner party for all their friends. the couple made steak, chicken, salad, stuffed bell peppers, and strawberry cheesecake for dessert. it had been exhausting, but worth it. there were absolutely no leftovers.
sarah made her way to the kitchen sink with a stack of plates. as she set them down, about to wash them, something caught her eye. a handle was sticking out under a dishcloth on the counter by the backdoor. sarah walked over to it and picked up the knife. she screamed and dropped it, backing away as it scattered across the floor.
danny came rushing in to see what was wrong. “babe, are you ok?” he said. sarah pointed at the blood-stained knife on the floor.
“what the hell?” danny whispered. he bent down and picked up the knife, tossing it into the sink. “call the police,” he instructed. sarah went into the living room to find her phone, which was near impossible with the tears blurring her vision.
she found the phone and dialed 911, told them what happened and their address, and soon two officers knocked on their door. sarah sat on the sofa to compose herself while danny answered the door.
the officers were both women, one with long blonde hair and the other with a red bob. sarah watched as they inspected the house, the kitchen impacticular.
“nothing abnormal happened at any point during your party?” the blonde one asked.
“no, everyone was always together eating or playing games,” danny answered. Sarah realized something.
“no. gina and walker went outside at one point. walker came back in and said gina had to rush home, something with her mom. i called her later and she never answered. what if it was him?”
“that could be a possibility. the situation sounds suspicious. let’s check the backyard.” the red-haired woman led the couple out of their house into their backyard. it was nothing much, a couple of dead patches of grass and a shed.
danny and sarah watched as the women sweeped the yard with their flashlights, and sarah’s heart stopped when the blonde-haired woman said she found something behind the shed. the other three walked swiftly towards the shed, sarah’s heart hammering. what would she do if she found one her best friends dead in her yard?
there was nothing but a tarp behind the shed, and it was obviously covering something. the officer gripped the side and pulled the tarp back, revealing gina’s body. she had multiple stab wounds in her chest, explaining the bloody knife.
sarah screamed and backed away from gina very quickly, sinking to the ground, unable to handle the sudden murder of her friend.
what had made walker do such a thing?