Craft a monologue from a serial killer rationalizing their compulsion to murder.

The Case of Murder

The truth of my proclivities is varied and multifaceted. Few would suggest it some strange derangement but that is short sighted; a judgement conclusion predicated upon norms born of preservation of humanity. Life as a precious gift deserved by all is a disallusioned pretense made obsolete by medicine and understanding of human biology. No linger can we call it a gift when life spans expand beyond any similarly large mammals, and the social institution constructed around the species is, at best, derelict.

Instead I would argue my predisposition to terminate life is that based upon the realization that not all are created equally. Moreover, not all should be afforded the same opportunities as everyone. So much so that some deserve to have their lives removed to make space for potential, opportunity, and innovation.

Stagnation of the human race is apparent, if not overwhelming. We have long hindered evolution to the point of absolute stagnation! And so, I decide. I gather the collective volume of information and examine the profile. The broken and malignant, the cancerous, the lecherous. Any that detract from the evolution of humanity will not be given the opportunity to move forward. Any that do harm unto those unable to protect themselves. Any that retard the progression of positive development in others. I will serve as judge and condemn them, as I am too keenly aware of that harms that can be done and will not stand for the the continue deterioration of the human race. I am the hand of the gods, noble and just in my quest to purge the blight of failing humanity. I am the executioner sent to right the course of humanity and save us from the failings of the gross inequity created by failing beliefs.

It is my task to cure humanity. I am the shaman. The medicine man. Healer of humanity.

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