‘Still today, the song of the birds can be heard outside the window'
Write a poem that concludes with this line. What topics and themes might be explored in a poem with this ending?
Sometimes, Sometimes.
Sometimes, sometimes it’s okay to feel black and white like the Willy wagtails.
Sometimes, it’s okay to sing and be free in the treetops like the Australian magpies singing their songs greeting the sunrise.
Sometimes, it’s okay to be different and to go through each colour of the rainbow like the rainbow lorikeets.
Sometimes, it’s okay to be red and blue just like the crimson rosellas being noisy and showing their beautiful colours whilst they sing with nature and greet their friends.
Sometimes, it’s okay to be a little wattlebird, flying around trying to gather feathers, twigs and sticks to make your nest.
Sometimes, being a galah is reassuring, eating seeds and being a nuisance to farmers. It’s okay to be noisy and show your feathers, but being angry won’t get you very far.
And sometimes, it’s okay to be a raven, the need to protect your space and territory is needed. It’s okay to not talk and show you’re not interested in things that don’t gel with your ways or feelings.
Birds are similar to humans, maybe they speak differently to us but that’s because they don’t talk.
And so, still today, the song of the birds can be heard outside the window.