Write a scene from the perspective of a character who feels embarrassed.
You don't have to say why they feel this way, but try to detail their behaviours and thoughts which help portray their embarrassment.
Pinned To The Wall
I feel horrid. My stomach has wedged itself into my rib cage. Swallowing is hard, and I can barely breathe. My toes flex until my foot almost cramps. I dance back and forth to avoid cramping up. I stand back against my locker and dart my eyes around the hall. I see one of my friends walk by but she is too far, I can’t speak. I hope that my eye contact can save me but alas I am literally a wallflower. I want to cry so bad, but it’ll only make it worse. I feel as if anyone approaches me I will break in tears. I can’t believe this is happening, I am utterly mortified right now.