Submitted by CJ
The year is 2050, and all children are bought up in a government institution.
Create a story that takes place in this setting.
The Mayflower
It’s been 20 years since humans left Earth. From what I hear, us and Russia destroyed the planet and forced us all up here. We Americans live in the Mayflower. The Russians live in the Ushakov. I only know this because my father told me, before they moved me away. He was there that day. The day Russia attacked.
Now we’re stuck up here, searching for a new planet. They separate kids from their families at age 12. I haven’t seen my family in 4 years. But in two years, I graduate. Every child gets assigned a role when we’re born. I’ve been assigned to be an engineer like my dad. I’ll probably get to work with him when I graduate.
I often wonder what Earth was like before the war. I’ve always read about animals and plants but I’ve never seen any. I’ve never felt the warmth of the sun or the mist of the ocean. I’ve never seen a bird fly and even a tree for that matter. I wonder, if our governments knew what life would be like up here, would they still have attacked each other?