"How can you say that?!"

Write a dialogue between two characters having an argument. As well as speech, try to think about the tones, gestures and actions that people arguing would display.


“I swear to god, Henry, if you don’t get me a Kit-Kat bar soon you’ll be on the couch for a week!”

“Like you aren’t begging me to get in that bed every night nowadays,” he smirked. But seeing the fire flash in his wife’s eyes he quickly backtracked. “Not that I mind, sweetie.”

“You’re lucky my feet hurt too much to come over there and beat you up,” she grumbled, leaning her head back on the couch and cradling her swelling stomach with one hand.

“Well?” She said, cracking open one eye to stare at the man who was very clearly not getting ready to go to the store, “Get going. Chocolate, and some of that spicy jerky wouldn’t be a bad call either.”

“We talked about this, Alicia. We have to make sure to take care of you and watch your diet. We want you and the little Nugget to be as healthy as possible.” He used his gentlest tones, but she also heard the steel beneath his words and that made her cringe.

“Well WE right now is me and the Nugget. And WE want chocolate. WE don’t care about being healthy at the moment.” She gave him her best glare and kept her voice low. Hopefully she could intimidate him into getting her the treats, nevermind the fact that she felt so big and clumsy at this point she couldn’t make good on any threats, big or small.

“How can you say that! Your health has to be a priority sweetheart. We talked about all of this before you got pregnant so this wouldn’t happen, remember?” She saw how much he cared, and it almost made her feel sorry for playing such a low card. But desperate times.

Closing her eyes and leaning back, Alicia squeezed her eyes shut and let a few of the tears that were so close to the surface lately leak out. It was especially easy since fighting with Henry always made her upset, let alone when she had the pregnancy hormones to contend with as well.

Henry thought for a brief moment that he had won this battle. That she would listen to him and have one of the many healthy snacks he had all ready for her. But when she picked her head up off the back of the couch, he saw her tears. And when she softly asked him, “Please, Henry?” he knew that he was the one who’d lost this battle.

And with a defeated sigh, he retrieved his coat and gave his pregnant wife a kiss. Time for another run to the store. And maybe this time she wouldn’t notice if he got the sugar free chocolate instead.

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