A casual post on social media goes viral, leading to unintended consequences...
How does the character respond to what happens, and how do they feel about it?
Cutting Ties
My friend Casey and I have been on the outs now for about a week now. I am starting to get tired of her pettiness and not wanting to apologize for what she did, its not like it was my doing. She should have never said those things about me, it was stupid of her to think i wouldnt find out as if we dont have the same group of friends. Yesterday Leah- one of our other friends in our group invited me to brunch, fine- dandy but what i didnt know what she invited the both of us, knowingly- trying to set us up to work things out as if i had any point shared any reasoning to want to fix things- perhaps some days i think about it but until she acknowledges how i feel and takes initiative to apologize to me i will not- be even in the same room as her, and it may seem childish but what she did really hurt me.
She went to our friend jessica and had shared with her that my actions- really arent the smartest which is fine, ive been told this and frankly i can admit- some of my choices aren’t realistically the smartest but it is my life at the end if the day, and thats not what hurt me what hurt me was she confided in jessica that she began to have feelings for a guy she openly knew i liked. Loved- would have flown miles for and this was no secret but her feelings towards him was. She was telling jessica of the conversations her and the guy i liked- openly- Kane and we had hung out many times and hit it off, we talked everyday, and even went out on dates- she, casey even tagged along. She noted how loving i was towards him and how he would be around me. But when i come to learn that she was talking to him and trying to start a conversation with him even as far as hanging out- it hurt me. I did some digging on my own to find that jessica wasnt the only one she confided this too and i confronted Kane who continued to show me the messaged exchanged between them both- which wasnt anything to bad but that wasnt the point, and i was mad.
I confronted casey for her to play pity me- not my fault- shes sorry- and all this bull about not wanting our friendship to end. Needless to say, it did and i felt more then hurt- i felt betrayed.
Today- i sat scrolling on facebook when i come across a post- a picture, one that stood out. It was casey…. And Kane.
I was floored. Typically i would cry and devour ice cream in bed but i felt revegful. I didnt care to cry or soap- but my phone was blowing up with omg’s- im sorrys- and how could she do this.
All of which i didnt care for- i was mad.
I scrolled up to the top of my page.
‘Whats on your mind’
I thought for a second. Did i want to be this petty? Did i want to do this?
Yes. Yes i did.
Casey dared to hurt me like this, i was going to hurt her. I went to our conversations- i remembered something we had talked about- about kane that would cost them their now newly starting relationship and i was quick to screenshot it- and post it to facebook- captioning
“ casey, if you want to treat me dirty- ill
Play dirty” I didnt bat an eye when i hit ‘post’.
I turned my phone off and went to bed.
The next morning my morher barged in my room- her expression looked angry- perhaps more disapproving.
“ Your facebook!” She said as she took my phone from the nightstand turning it on throwing in on my bed before my as i wiped the tiredness from my eyes now sitting- looking at the endless notifications on my homescreen.
I unlocked my phone- taking me instantly to my post i had made the night prior.
10.5k shares, 8k comments i couldnt even read the number of likes my head went buzzing- quickly i read some of the comments.
They were calling casey down- back stabbing b**ch, ungrateful, bad friend- and more then i could possibly keep up with. Instantly i regressed the post- it was too late to take back.
Quickly i deleted the post- knowing it wouldnt go away even with it deleted i went to check the texts from my friends. Each agreeing i shouldnt have made the post- no mattee how casey hurt me. I was upset- floored- i was angry but she didnt deserve what was said about her.
I went to my Facebook again and quickly wrote an apology.