Write a story where a character's pet ruins an event.
You can write in any genre, and your story doesn't necessarily have to be humorous!
Fluffy Returns.
I...I have it. The perfect weather model. It works, it actually works. I worked years on this, lost friends, lost love, almost lost my hair. But it was worth it. This model can forecast any weather condition, and it is 100 percent accurate (suck it, Phil.)
And now the moment of truth. I have to present my model, to prove that I am right. How many lives will I save? How many awards will I win? How much money will I make?
I take a deep breath, and ready myself for my presentation. I know I should have back everything up, but...nah, I have this.
“Hey, Fluffy, wanna come for a ride?” I ask my furry friend. My only friend during these long hours of research. She looks at me with disdain, but doesn’t struggle when I put her in the carrier. We take off.
We arrive at the University, and I set up. I let Fluffy out, and she curls up on a chair. Okay, time to shine!!
I’m really getting into my presentation, and they seem to be believing me. As well they should, I am right! One skeptic asks me to point out something on the screen behind me, he can’t quite see what I am referencing. I grab my laser pointer to point out the equation in question.
You can tell what happens next.
At that moment Fluffy chooses to wake up. She sees were arch-rival, the Red Dot of Doom, and pounces. On the podium. Knocking over my glass of water. On to my laptop.
Hisssssss.......spark. Silence. Remember how I said there was no back up?
The model is gone.
Fluffy grooms her fur.
Back to trusting a groundhog. And the Euro.