Write a scene in which two characters have very different emotions about the same thing.

E.g. One character could be very happy after finding something out, whilst the other is sad about it.

Manipulated | 1

With delicate movement, she lifts the gem from it’s padded case, lets the light from her dimly lit room dance on it’s surface. There’d been nothing she found more addictive than a diamond’s shimmer, a flawless reward only right for her quintessential work.

Around her neck, she felt, had been the only resting place right for such a sublime piece. Her intuition alone, is one trustworthy, and Iris hadn’t been alone in thinking so. Again, she was right, a trait so rarely found in others, yet one among her most prominent qualities. The blue gem seemed to glimmer noticeably more against almond skin, and one assessing her reflection, as she did, would conclude there’s few things more admirable.

Arrogant and conceited as she may seem, her presence was always welcomed. Iris’ proud nature somehow added to her charm and charisma, especially around the right people, and planted resentment extensively into that of jealous hearts, her own mother included.

“Have you anything else even slightly comparable?”

Harris stood behind her, and set his palm on her hip, steadily sliding it to her waist. He brushed the lining of her jaw to her chin with his left hand, all as if she’d crack under the slightest pressure. He wanted nothing more, though wouldn’t admit it until he was guaranteed every dime.

“This is your best one yet, no?” He addresses her again, even though she hardly feels that way, his gaze never once leaving the accessory as he speaks. It’s laughable, how oblivious they are, to their own obvious mistakes, so easily blinded by the beauty of wealth in their attempts to deceive the con artist. She was amused, and never found another form of entertainment quite as fascinating.

Iris stops his fingers from reaching the diamond, pressing his hand against her chest. He takes a breath, not subtle enough to miss Iris, and finally locks eyes with her reflection. “You said you weren’t the type to be bothered with material wealth,” she reminded him of his earlier poor attempt at flattery, “That you value sincerity in a person, more than anything else.”

He wondered if it was worth playing genuine and caring, now that he’s where he wanted to be. To Iris, it didn’t matter, she knew him before he said a word to her, but without that knowledge he made the choice to stick to the facade for her sake. In the grand scheme of things, it only made him more pathetic, she doesn’t mind that one bit.

“It’s a beautiful piece, one increasingly difficult to ignore every second it’s on you.”

“Well then, I guess I can’t blame you.” She smiles, reaching to unclip the chain that held the diamond, careful to place it back in it’s case.

“But no, not nearly the best. Speaking of, I’ll have Jorge meet with us this evening, make sure you’re caught up with next week’s agenda.”

Authors Note: This is really just an attempt to force myself out of an extremely stubborn creative block. Not saying it won’t be good, just don’t keep your hopes too high (for anyone who happens to come across this).

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