Dear Ethen,

Dear Ethen,

Life without you. Words I could not express out loud. It started as a friendship during childhood and ended up as so much more. Patiently waiting you stood on the edge of the dock. While I just stood there dumbfounded. I’m sorry I could not tell you how I felt that night. For I was to scared of what you would think of me. After hearing your words: Life without you, I could not think straight and tell you my answer. I am here to tell you now though.

Life without you. Words so lovely like honey in my mouth. Life without you is like losing your milk and honey voice in the wind on a hot summer night. Life would be like nothing. An empty void around my heart and screaming voices in my head. Life without you is like losing yourself in a deep trace and falling into the ocean. The ice cold, black ocean. For my love for you is as deep as the ocean, and to be lost with you is like a clear, warm, shallow ocean. Being without you is a black, deep ice cold ocean. Being lost in it still is a pain for I would not be able to find a way out. The roaring tsunami like waves would pull me under in the vast ocean. I would be lost and drowning. Life without you is like that. I am sorry that you got deployed, but this is how I feel.

Life without you would be like losing myself in your deep, green eyes and never finding a way out. Your smile would make it worse, because I would not be able to breathe and possibly faint. I would faint and not wake up if I didn’t have you. Your love is as great as my heart, so full of life and there is room for more. Life without you would be like losing my child, because you would lose yours. I am pregnant Ethen and life without you is like losing our little boy. I could not go on if something happened to him or you.

I am sorry I haven’t written in over a year but your child is born and he is beautiful just like you. The same green eyes, the same smile, and the same love full of life as he is you. Being without him is like being without you.

I love you Ethen and my life would never be the same without you. You were the one who convinced me to join the reporting job. The one I told you I would never get because I was naive and inexperienced. I got the job anyway, thanks to you and I am now the best reporter in all of Flowered City. That only happened because you convinced me to join and I did. Now life will never be the same without you. I have a successful job, I have a son, we have two dogs and five cats, and I have almost everything I need, except one thing. You.

The only thing I need in this world is you. Without you I would die. I would not be able to breathe or live my life the same again. I would simply die. Life with you was like it was that one summer. That summer you told me you loved me. And you said you wanted a family of your own and you have one now. The only this missing is you. You are the only thing missing. Life without you would be like all the memories we had together would just disperse. They would leave, and I would have no idea where they went.

Life without you is dull like a pencil being used so much it simply is so dull it would not function. The pencil would need someone to sharpen it. That is what you do to me. You sharpen my mind and heart when you are around. When you are gone, it is as if I the world is spinning and I cannot focus. I would

need something to help me focus, like you.

Ethen, I am awaiting your return. I hope that they release you for only just a little while. Even if it is just a day or a couple of hours. I severely miss you, and so does your son. I will see you again. Love you morning and night to the ends of the universe.

Your love,


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