Inspired by TheAstronomer
An item of huge sentimental value to your character is stolen, but the thieves propose a ransom...
What will your character do? You can choose which part of this story you tell, but try to keep this idea as the main premise.
“Hey, hey, hey. Look, I didn’t mean it guys! Just... give me a day. A day, seriously, and then I’ll give you what you want!” He stuttered on his knees, begging like a sinner.
They stared at him unsympathetic. A grimace rolled over one of the group’s face. The three women sat on the tattered red sofa in the warehouse, the lights dimmed and focus held on the man in front.
“You have twenty four hours before we send someone after you.” The woman with red hair spoke with a rich deep voice, the threat sounding bored. The man sighed loudly with relief before clambering to his feet.
“You won’t regret this, uh... thank you,” he jumped to his feet before scurrying out the door, shoes clomping and echoing throughout the warehouse.
The woman with the red hair turned to the other two with a sly grin.
“Hannah, good job with finding out his little ‘secret’. The footage is more than enough to jeopardise his marriage.”
The woman called Hannah glanced up through long lashes, running a hand through her cropped electric blue hair.
“It was easy, Charlie... I could have done it blindfolded,” she spoke boisterously, like a hyperactive toddler. A wide smile graced her features, showing her tooth gap and wonky teeth. She grabbed a wrapped sweet from the pocket of her tracksuit and popped it in her mouth, before offering one to the others.
The redhead, Charlie, glanced at the other woman with eagle eyes.
“Andrea, you aren’t speaking much. What’s wrong?”
Andrea stared at the floor intently, her dark hair covering her face. She spoke softly with an air of grace. “Isn’t this technically blackmail?” She sounded confused and hesitant, as if worried what the others thought.
“Andrea, we’ve been scamming people for years. You think a little blackmail makes it even more morally bad? This guy’s cheating on his husband, he deserves to get stolen from. You had no problem scamming those innocent elderly women for their hard earned pensions,” Charlie said with poisoned words. “Sounds like it’s getting too real for you.”
“Scamming people who are stupid enough to click our scam links, I can deal with. Actively going out of our way to look into some random persons life and then in person blackmail him for millions of dollars? Uh, of course it’s more real than internet scamming!” She sounded indignant and almost regretful.
“You’re in or out Andrea. Why not sit back and see where this takes us, yeah?”