Valentine’s Day Plans!

“Not about to argue with you. You’re staying at the hotel while I go. I’ll be back in an hour,” Ravi kisses Rylee’s forehead and pulls away.

“It’s Valentine’s Day. You’re suppose to stay and love me,” Rylee balls her fists and pouts, crossing her arms and glaring at him from the bed.

“I’ll be back.” With that, the door slams, leaving Rylee alone. She watches the room fade without her his friendly light.

“Fuck a duck,” she hisses, kicking off her shoes, knocking them into the wall and leaving scuff marks on the white paint. She picks up her phone and dials a number after the bitter anger of being left alone fades. She hits call and waits for the girl on the other side to answer.

“Fluffyyyyyy,” she draws.

“Wha-“ Fluffy cuts out, Rylee can hear cars in the background racing by.

“I know you’re there,” Rylee says.

“Wha- yeah, I uh. I-I’m busy. Sorta.”

“Busy doing what? Ravi just walked out on me and- …did I just hear his voice? Are you with Ravi?”

“No. I’m standin- I’m at a shop.”

Rylee leans forward on the bed, clutching the phone.

“I’ll be right there,” The phone disconnects and she sighs at the anger boiling. As if it were just a bad dream, she rolls out of the sheets and starts popcorn. She pops a movie Ravi got her into the player and stands at the door’s peephole like a freak until Fluffy stumbles into view. She throws open the door before Fluffy can knock and tugs her in.

“Soooo, I got popcorn, I got chips, I got marshmallows, fruit punch, I got-“ Rylee runs to the phone and picks it up. She dials fast and talks to the woman on the other end. “Hi Velma, how’s the kids? Can I have some hot chocolate in room…” she turns her palm over and looks at what she’s written there. “You know the number.”

“This is really cool,” Fluffy chirps, her bright, cheery attitude lightens the room a small bit. Rylee’s shadows hug Fluffy until she looks cramped beneath the misty murk.

“Right? I mean we’re clearly going to make this the-“ Rylee slips and hits her head on the desk and frowns, sitting up and rubbing her head- “the best time ever, like a… a girl day. Or s- is that what you call it?”

Fluffy attempts to help Rylee up, but Rylee jerks away, not letting Fluffy touch her. She stands up in her socks and slides to the phone again. “You know what? I’ll call more here. More food. And movies.”

Fluffy swallows a lump of fear and excitement in her throat. Fear of what Rylee can do, excitement of what is to come if she doesn’t die. Rylee has no idea what’s going on…


“This one,” Ravi points through the glass case.

Shad touches his shoulder lightly, “This one is a beauty, I say she’d like this, seems like her. Dark yet gorgeous, this ring is.”

“Ah… yes. That one. Let’s go with that one.” Ravi turns to Aster who raises an eyebrow. She’s already holding a dozen red roses, a jumbo box of chocolates and a big, black stuffed animal that’s nearly the size of her.

“I’m guessing you want me to tote that too?” She laughs despite being rather serious. Shad chuckles and takes the bear from her.

“Finding a way into a tricky situation has never been a problem for me — although, I still haven’t learned the art of getting out of them,” Ravi laughs.

“Who’s a good boy?” He rubs it’s stuffed snout and laughs over at Ravi who smiles lightly, excitement bubbling in his stomach- or maybe nerves of what he’s about to do.

“One more thing,” Ravi raises a finger.

“Yes?” Shad and Aster say at the same time.

“I need a plan and a trip to the animal shop,” he says it deadly serious then they fall into laughter. But there’s something in Ravi’s eyes- fear? Nervousness?


Skye paces, the cake isn’t here. The gift box she ordered for Rylee isn’t here. Sweat starts to form on her brow. She walks to and fro like she’s programmed that way and sighs.

“Now Skye, I promise you-“ Valerie trots in, grinning bright as the sunshine. “Girly, it’ll all get here ASAP, it’s probably just some dumb delivery guy. Holding the map upside down. Promise it’s okay. Plus, Rylee will be fine without it. She loves us, not the gifts. Right?”

“Right,” Skye mutters and dips her head, skittering to the back rooms.

Kallian flies through the doors with a bag that should be carrying her. “Look what I found outside! Did anyone order something?!”

Skye steps back out and beams. It’s her package. She sighs with relief and scoops it up. “Thank goodness.”

“I told youuuuu,” Valerie laughs, pulling Kallian and Skye into a hug. “She’s going to love this, guys!”


AJ Kit and Mia sit beside Alice, swinging their legs outside the hotel where Rylee waits unsuspectedly within. Alice pushes back her gorgeous curtain bangs, smiling at the other two.

“So… like what do we say?” She asks.

“Happy… well, I’m not sure,” AJ smiles back.

“We just cheer and laugh and be happy. This will give Rylee what she’s always wanted… a family that loves her. We’re all she’s got,” Mia puts a hand around the girls’ shoulders.

Berry shoots up the side walk from a car parked on the curb. She hands each girl a box of candies. “Happy Valentines dayyy!”

“That’s what we say!” AJ and Alice say at once. “We say Happy Valentines!”


Everyone gathers outside. Everyone except Fluffy and Rylee. They stand in a wide circle around the entrance. Waiting for Fluffy to bring Rylee out.

When she appears, everyone screams “Happy Valentines, Rylee!” at the top of their lungs. She looks scared and grabs Fluffy’s sleeve with reflexive instincts.

Then her eyes land on Ravi.







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