Write a paragraph about a first date, where you include an adverb in every sentence.

Adverbs describe verbs (eg quickly, quietly, excitedly). Try to fit them into your sentences alongside appropriate verbs, so the adverbs don't feel forced.


I had wanted to get his details secretly. I bravely asked him and a few collateral others to take a selfie with me. That’s when I curtly asked him out for dinner. My butterflies fluttered excitedly when he accepted. I took him out for an Asian cuisine where I went through all my life thoroughly. At this point, I hadn’t realised that I had captured his eyes irresistibly. It was getting late and he strategically asked if I wanted to get a drink. Obliviously unaware of his intentions, I agreed joyfully. Having drinks and conversation flowed freely.

He coolly asked for a hug and so I obliged him willingly.

We kissed passionately right into the night.

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