Image by Dan Meyers @ Unsplash

"We were in love here". Write the story of how your protagonist ended up painting this here.

Dylan and Faith (in progress)

_It all started one night in California…_




The sky is dark, almost black and the stars are like little shiny dots, gold earings that are unreachable.

One week ago I was in Las Vegas… With Jason, before he left me for the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t that shocked or sad, because I knew we weren’t a good match, and I was starting to hate him actually. He was becoming annoying and he’s never been a good guy to be honest. I also feel he never treated me right…

She has blonde, thick platinum hair, green eyes as bright as the grass when the sun is shining it’s brightest, and a body that I would forever dream, with big and defined curves.

I’m not like that. I’m not special at all. My thin dark brown hair gets untidy after just five minutes I leave home and it makes me a living mess. My eyes just as normal, really dark brown with no specks of anything else while my lips are just two thin strips. Instead my curves are gentle, really delicate but also quite non existing.

It’s obvious why he left me. Definitely.

The sea is a little rough but it makes walking on the silky and wet sand even more relaxing and fun, with droplets of water splashing on my face and all over my white beach dress.

The full moon reflects on the water with a silver elegant colour. I take out my phone and immortalize the moment, so it will be forever with me. My habitat is the night, the one which seems a lonely night but the stars keep me company like no one else does, ‘cause no one else knows me as well as they do. I should hate them, despise them, because they saw everything. From the moment my dad abandoned me on the courtyard of our neighbours and mom came to find me desperate, to when Jason told me I didn’t deserve anyone. <<Faith, you should know you’re worthless, no one will ever want you, I made a mistake, I was stupid.>>

Those words hit me hard, but I didn’t even cry, because I knew he was right. You may call me a robot for not crying, but this is me, or maybe… When someone doesn’t love you right, or doesn’t even like you, there’s no need to waste tears on them. He was my first boyfriend, I trusted him but not that much. He was always a little unusual.

I want to run until the end in this moonlight and landscape, but someone could see me.

Just as I make a bigger step to get ready to sprint I hit something… Someone.

A big hard male torso stands right in front of me.

<<Watch out>> a playful voice calls out, it’s him.

<<Oh, umm sorry, I didn’t mean to umm…>> I stutter

<<No need to worry>> He gently smiles and brings his left hand through his hair. I focus on his face, now that I have a good view of it. Tousled black hair falls a little bit on his forehead. At least it seems black. His eyes glow, really glow. They seem a really dark brown but they shine with this warm sunset. His lips, juicy, they seem soft like a rose petal. I wonder how they taste like. I should stop fantasizing over boys, I have indeed just broken up with Jason. He smirks. Oh god he’s so pretty. A little dimple forms in his right cheek. Oh god, I’m falling for this one. I look down, he’s wearing a white t-shirt that adapts to his muscles and highlights them. He does the same. He scans me from head to toe, he focuses on my figure, before going back to my face.

<<Wanna take a walk… Here with me?>>

<<Yeah sure>> I reply kind of nervous but stunned by his look

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