The Ugliest Creature I Can Think Of.

The ugliest creature I can think of.

That's the prompt, right?

So why can I only picture myself?

Staring into a mirror, my thoughts are all but positive.

Everyone around me is perfect, so why do I hold such high expectations for myself?

The ugliest creature I can think of.

I try to picture a gruesome creature, maybe with tons of eyes..

but I only ever see my own staring back at me.

My reflection gives me nightmares, and I'm terrified of what everyone thinks of me.

Although I don't think anyone could say something that I haven't told myself already.

So the ugliest creature I can think of only has two, uneven eyes.

It has messy brown hair, and wears.. braces.

It doesn't know what it's doing in life, and has no idea who it wants to be.

I'm the ugliest creature I can think of.

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