Write a story that begins in a very loud setting.

Your whole story doesn't have to take place here, but the setting should tie in to the rest of your plot.

Audio Implants

Sound represents an audio matter in the oxygen which is rather a complex concept envisioned in imaginative languages witnessed by persons left with different impressions of definition descriptions inside of one’s lucid conscious. Drummers bang the auditory instrument creating a vibrant sound echoing through the canal like a river flowing in water-like space from the touch of a vibration. The best noises are autonomous voices which discuss wishes of blessings and speak positive phrases instead of broken promises conversed with blemishes which predict the most vicious premises. Since its conception, noises mixed with sound effects glisten in the unseen vision to create a sense of which direction a sentence was mentioned which makes so much sense to witnesses who listen. In the end nothing left can be said like when you mention the silence and the last word has been finished.
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