Ravishing. Chaos. Astonished.

Write a story of no more than 150 words using these words in this order. Do not change their tenses or forms.

Ominous Creature Disease

Looking in the mirror, i see what i am supposed to see. the pieces all fall into place. i am put together. made whole. What the mirror cannot show me is the monster the fungus that is currently constantly consistently ravishing my insides. Chaos ensues as it argues with the mirror girl. The bacteria that has infected her bellows: just check it just check it just look just touch it it can’t hurt to look once more. The brown eyed girl in the glass begs for mercy. she cannot take this anymore. The beast is relentless. He roars: there is no harm in knowing just check it look at it run your finger across it take a picture just look. The animal knocks the fragile glass girl to the floor. Finally, she collects herself and walks away, astonished by how the mirror cannot reflect the creature she is.
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