Submitted by Decko

Write an over-dramatised poem that is about something not at all dramatic.

It should be about something boring or normal, but with intense poetic drama and whimsy.


I knew it was over before the end began

But there was nothing I could do

For my instincts have dulled

I have grown too content with comfort

It’s important for us to learn from our history

But never did I see myself becoming Pandora’s disciple

And yet here I sit

Having foolishly opened the floodgates to the world

And while I sit solitary

I fear judgement from others

While yearning for reprimand

So I may learn from this blunder

It plagues me to know

That every decision in my life

Lead me to this error

Is this the consequence of free will?

Now my appetite is spoilt

All I yearned for was a snack

Before you cast stones labels “over dramatic”

Who wouldn’t cry over spilt milk?

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