
Ive tried everything I can think of. Ive yelled and screamed like an infant. Ive let every emotion inside this vessel get the better of me. Then I turned to logic. “Maybe we can find some place better.” “If we stay here we will die!” “Whats the point of not even trying?” “We are certain to lose if we don’t try” “There’s been multiple reports of a water source due west”. When that didn’t work I tried to guilt them. “What would grandma want for us?” I pleaded. “We don’t know how fast it will be, we may have to watch everyone we love die first. Or maybe people will start hurting each other and stealing from each other first.” “God only helps those who help themselves, are you saying you’re going to turn your back on the lord himself? I mean fuck me! Right? But God too?” That last one got the biggest reaction, a look of anger and disgust from my mother, which tickled me a little given the circumstances. I guess shed prefer me to leave God and profanity out of my desperation. Eventually, in a last ditch effort, I tried to gain some authority over the household. “Im the only one in this family and one of the only people in town who have studied weather patterns and seismic activity, you all need to listen to me!” That one made them laugh. They teased me about my “little classes” and told me they were staying put but if I was so afraid, I was welcome to leave and they would be waiting for me with open arms when I came back. But I could never leave them. Knowing nothing would be here when I return.

As I write this, our home Mt. Ferno has just began to release her molten solution. My family has yet to notice. They decided a long time ago that this place would always be safe, always be home. When I found out she was going to blow I thought they were wrong but as I sit here and write this, I realize. As long as they are here, I am home.

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