Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
The Truth Is Revealed
If someone told me that today would be the day my best friend found out that I was a superhero, I would’ve laughed. I have been so careful to keep my secret identity under wraps, but today called for desperate measures.
My best friend, Walter Jarrenson, was at my house for the third time this week. It was a friday afternoon, and like usual, a knock sounded at the door at 2:00 p.m. sharp. Walter liked to be punctual, always had been.
Unfortunately for me, I was in the middle of an interrogation. My head whipped towards the front door, and I sighed in frustration. I loved Walter, but he had a knack for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I looked back at the man strapped to my kitchen chair. “Wait here, and don’t move. Well, at least don’t scream.” He nodded quickly.
Satisfied with his answer, I strode to the door and eased it open, my body covering all hopes of seeing inside. I faked a grin. “Walter! So good to see you! Maybe you could come back at another time?” His eyebrows furrow, “Of course! Do you have company? Are you feeling unwell?
Great, he noticed my strange behavior. “No, I dont have anybody over, I’m just not feeling the best.” His eyes widen. “Raina! Why didn’t you tell me! He pushes past me and goes into the house, and to my dismay, heads straight for the kitchen. “I’m going to heat up some chicken noodle soup. You should head upstairs and rest!”
I follow quickly after him, my heart leaping into my throat from panic. “Walter wait-!” I call, but its a second too late. We round the corner and Walter sees the man tied up in my kitchen. He stops short, and a bewildered look crosses his face. “Uh, Rai. Why is a man tied to your kitchen chair?” He looks a little freaked out, which is understandable, and so does the man.
“Walter, this is Larry. Larry, Walter. Larry was robbing a bank on fifth street this morning, so I brought him back here for questioning.“Raina, why didn’t you call the police? What are you? Some sort of vigilante?” A dawning realization crosses his face. “Shoot Rai, you’re the Silver Shadow aren’t you!”
I blanched, shock growing across my features. “What makes you say that?” But I already know that my cover has been blown. “There are thousands of people in this city and you thing I’m the Silver Shadow?” He responds with a deadpan remark “Who else has a bank robber tied up in their kitchen?” “Fair point.”