Write a scene where two characters are on a terrible date.

A Rose By Any Other Name

Vi fidgeted with the hem of her worn jacket while she crossed, then uncrossed her legs in the uncomfortable diner chair, waiting for “Weston” to make his debut - what kind of name was Weston anyway, she wondered, growing more impatient by the minute.

Just then, a wild mop of curly red hair blew through the restaurant doors, reaking havoc and capturing the uneasy gazes of everyone. Underneath the mop of hair, a brilliant smile and emerald green eyes scanned the room, looking for… something? Someone? And Vi frozen in fear, whispered “no, no no no” under her breath, as she tried to look away.

But He caught her. Their eyes locked, and the mop of hair completed his not-so-subtle scan of the lovely young Vi, clearly noting the orange rose she had placed on the tabletop 20 minutes earlier, to indicate she was the other side of this blind date.

He strode over, confidence exuding. She sat, trembling.

“Vivian Doris?” The mop smiled,

“Uh, hi, yes, um please sit.. Weston…?”

And with that, Weston Alexander Smith plopped down unceremoniously across from his sophisticated dinner date, and jumped into the heart of their meeting.

“Listen Vivian, I’m only here to appease my brother. I’ve got a lot going for me right now -last night’s show brought in 23 guests! So you’ll have to excuse me if I seem rather…” he paused, pulling to the surface all of Vivian’s insecurities.

She cut in before they could bubble over.

“Weston, I prefer to go by Vi, if you please. And like you, I am not here to make a love connection. I’m here to write a story. You said 23 guests arrived at your show? Were you on time for them, or did you let them sit and wait as I have done?”

Weston visibly prickled, his emerald eyes hardening to that of the stone which they mirrored.

“Listen lady, I -“

“And I must be going.”

And with that Vi rose with the grace and elegance of the noble blood she was born into, the very familiar ties she had forsaken just days before, and turned to leave.

Weston caught her wrist, gently but unrelenting.

“Wait, Vivi- Vi, wait. I, I uh, apologize. For, ya know, my “tardiness” or whatever.”

With that, Vi’s upturned nose lowered some but she remained standing.

Weston continued. “I’ve never been on a blind date okay? And I don’t really know how we’re connected to begin with. You are absolutely 100% without a doubt, not my type -“

At this, Vi pulled her wrist free and turned to leave again.

“Wait! Dam girl can’t you just sit still for a second? Listen I’m not great with words - apparently you are, but you haven’t given me many. But listen. I am sorry. No you’re not the kinda lady I normally chase “

-Vi interrupted “a lady is not to be chased, but courted! And you sir do not appear to be the “type” to court!” She threw his language at him with such venom that even she could feel the sting.

But he continued, determined though he now had a slight edge in his voice

“ you’re not the kinda lady I normally CHASE. But, I gotta say, you got me.”

A moment of tender quietness enveloped the odd new couple. And Vi couldn’t deny it either, this wild, untimely, unruly mop of a man… well he had her too. She wasn’t ready to let him know that of course, but she paused long enough to give him hope. He continued.

“Vi, please, sit with me.”

And so she sat.

And she learned of the mop’s comedy show. Of His brother and manager who arranged the meeting, hoping Vi would release a story that drew up the comedy bit and drew in a larger crowd. Of how comedy was Weston’s passion, and of how his brother had a passion for fortune.

And with every passing minute, Vi grew more enamored with the man who sat across from her.

She wondered if he noticed that her coat was worn, but quickly decided that he likely did not, for everything he wore was in far worse condition, and he seemed not to mind at all. Like the fortune she turned away from wouldn’t have phased him in the least. Because he didn’t chase fortune, he chased laughter.

He was a mess - Everything in tatters, Except that brilliant smile, of which she wanted to spend every day for the rest of her life memorizing.

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