Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

For Safety

Standing at the edge of the doorframe, he felt empty inside. A large gape had opened up in his chest. Leaving everyone you’ve even known was not any easy task. A quick glance over his shoulder, and he would’ve folded. He had to force himself forward. He prayed that he forgot something, that he had to go back. But he couldn’t. He had to leave for his family to stay safe. The men were coming after him, after all. Why would his children have to suffer for his shady deeds? He tried to keep his mind on the task as he couldn’t help but turn his head once more. Memories flooded his thoughts as his legs became jello. The table. The table his son held onto to take his first step. The kitchen. The place his wife and him argued about getting into this scheme in the first place. God, she was right. He hated that she was always right. The picture. Oh, the picture. His two beautiful daughters and his young soon next to him and his wife in the porcelain frame. Would they every forgive him? He wouldn’t if he were them. He drew his eyes back to the garage where his car waited for him with dreading eyes.

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