Write the story that led to this image

Rise Of The Broken

I felt the crisp dew drops of air forced from my lungs. All of my limbs laid a limp on the frosted meadow. The fickle thing was I could tell where I was, yet had no clue as to how I got there. With every breath a Meticulous movement, to where I couldn’t tell if it was a dream. Every movement felt wrong almost as if every bone in my body was upside down and inside out. I felt the creaking of my eye lids trying to pull apart. My eyes just barley having the strength to work, open to be blinded by a grey sky. I knew there was only so much I could do; it was as if my body was on its last line of battery and no way to recharge. Every second I lay there I want to make a noise to reach out to something to save or end me; all there was, was a vacuum of air with no ability to make a sound. Whilst I laid there for 10 hours or 10 days time stood still. I finally felt like I had built up enough energy to just have my eyes roll over to the side of my head only to see a hand drained of all life laying against a cold grass line.I still have trouble seeing as a haze laid over my eyes;I didn’t know if this is my body’s defense is to seeing me left here, trying to make sense of it all. I started to realize that this all out wrong, as if I wasn’t supposed to be alive. All I knew was that I had to make it out; I had to prove to myself that I could get up and rise out of this cold empty land. The meadow no longer felt comforting but like it coffin meant to keep me in.

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