Breathe It In…

Sitting there. The hard graduals of sand digging into my skin. The breeze hits hard as the tide returns from its trip out to sea. With it bringing the scent of everything. All of the things I do not know but am desperate to learn.

I close my eyes and hear it crash against the land, thinking of how powerful everything wave can be. Beautiful and destructive. Full of force and intimidation.

I breathe in the air rushing into my face, cooling me down on a sweltering summers night. I take it in and hold it for as long as possible. I smell the unmistakeable scent of the sea. Comforting and familiar. Allowing it to cleanse my thoughts and take with it all I crave to shed.

Sitting there, uncomfortable and unsure of what’s to come. Only that the moon will rise another night to push and pull the tide in and send it away. As if it were a lover it couldn’t ever really let go of.

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