The First Born

Mylah steps out onto her balcony and stares out into the night sky. She loved the way the big blue star lit up the sky in the evenings. But it never took long for the Neon colors of the bustling city below to interrupt her peace. It was the only time of the day where she could enjoy a moment with herself, her thoughts, and all the twinkling stars she became so obsessed with. It was always beautiful that high up, but down below is where the nightmare layed. Mylah’s 1st birthday is today, which meant everything was about to change. Mylah put layers of clothes on and Inspected herself in the mirror one last time before grabbing her black leather duffel bag and heading out the door. She hopped in a silver elevator with no buttons on the inside. “Ground floor,” Mylah says with a serious tone as she places some sort of breathable device in her mouth. The elevator dings 3 times before sucking all the oxygen out of the space and quickly drops. Mylah immediately floats on the way to the bottom. Once at the bottom there are 11 other people waiting in front of a train like vehicle. The vehicle is a glistening sleek black color, the front has a pointed nose to cut through air, and it’s making absolutely no sound as it barley hovers off the ground. An opening appears in the center of the vehicle and All 11 of the people, including mylah, enter the craft. Once inside they all stand against the walls of the vehicle and slip there feet into a locking device that tightens around their feet. The lights inside of the vehicle go from white to red. Intercoms: “take off in 3, 2, 1.” The vehicle immediately takes off at the speed of light. The different colors of the neon city flash all through the inside of the vehicle. The group arrives in front of a large building. The architecture looks like ancient Egypt and it’s the only building nearby that doesn’t go up into the sky past the clouds. The group walks inside the building. The inside has giant shimmering statues that light up the pathway into the main room. The main room is enormous and is full of meticulously placed books, gadgets, and other items that are intriguing to the eye. The center of the rooms ceiling is a direct look into outer space, as if you could reach up and touch it. It’s like nothing they’ve ever seen before. Mylahs adventurous personality has sparked. “When do we go?” Mylah says with a giant smile on her face. The group laughs and The Great Grand steps forward. “You will each take a journey to this distant planet and it is up to you to keep it safe and help it thrive, for one day we shall all make the journey there,” the Great Grand says with a soft and sultry voice that’s mesmerizing to the ears. “And young Mylah, you will go first because of your nature, you will not be afraid but excited to explore and build anew.” Mylahs eyes are glowing with the image of The Great Grand glistening in her eyes, her dress is sky blue with a hood draped over her head, she has skin of no tone, and her eyes are pink, this is the only image we are able to see of her, through Mylahs eyes. The Great Grand points over to 12 pods full of pink, glittering liquid like substance similar to amniotic fluid. “Each of you must step in, and when the stars are aligned just for you, it’ll soon be your time. But now, it’s Mylahs time,” The Great Grand says with a soft motherly look towards Mylah. Is this why Mylah loved looking at the sky so much, was she always destined for this journey? “Step in and make the path for us all,” The Great Grand whispers. The pod opens up and just as Mylah is about to step in. “Mylah,” whispers The Great Grand, “you won’t need that bag where you’re going.” Mylah looks confused but places the bag on the floor and steps in. She sinks into the pink amniotic liquid and the pod closes, making a noise to indicate it is sealed tight. The fluid seeps into every orifice of Mylahs body, completely consuming her. Soon we see nothing but the beautiful glitter of the pink fluid. The pod shifts from a slanted position to an upright position, pointed at the ceiling portal that leads directly into outer space. The pod reads “Aries” in a beautiful golden lettering. The Great Grand gently placed her shimmering hand on the pod. Soon after, The pod shoots straight into the stars and as it moves closer to the planet it’s destined for, we see it’s a big blue planet, Earth in the distnace.

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