
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.

Unhinged Women

“I don’t know why people think that I am just misunderstood.

When I clearly don’t understand myself.

How can a person bluntly claim that they know you more- I practically don’t even know myself.

One day my favorite color is green, the next it’s gold.

One day I am all about rules but the next I want to break every rule that exists.

I have too many personality’s, Of course i can use that to my advantage…

For example, when people don’t hate me I give them a reason to hate me. So me and the person can at least agree on something. I want people to know that I’m a horrible person. I love the perks of being unexpected. And the uncertainness gets my adrenaline going.

When anything is stable I crush it like an empty can and that’s why people assume I’m empty. And yeah sometimes there right- but quite honestly one of the people inside my head is very emotional it gets draining- however… the 2nd person in my head is just as empty as that can I crushed earlier.

And If we are admitting our feelings right now I would like to mention that I have never liked you.”

The women’s chaos glimmered through her eyes as she slouched in her plastic chair. It was hard to catch a strait face through the glass that was in between the doctor and the criminal in the room.

“Well, fist of all I never asked if you liked me and I was just trying to connect with you to see why your the way you are. Now please maybe let’s stick to the reason why you killed a poor lady in the bakery- I’m which you barley knew??!!”

The doctor raised his eyebrows trying to push the question further.

“She was getting on my nerves. I don’t know when they sent you here to ask a question I already answered, your a doctor right? Shouldn’t you be giving me medications for insanity???!” She rocked in her squeaky chair her dark eyes stared intensely at the doctor. Trailing up and down the body she could see before her.

The doctor started speaking again- “Now tell me, what’s there any events that happened before this that made you angry or unsettled, because there can’t be a reasonable reason you killed an innocent women, who u didn’t know.”

“- I, we’ll she was bothering me-“ she started.

He interrupted-“stop with that crap, I know you are smart. That was not a smart move. Tell me the truth.”

“She was taking to long I wanted my loaf of


She was interrupted once again.

“She had her daughter with her. Did it remind you of your mom? Your childhood??!-“

“HOW DARE YOU MENTION MY CHILDHOOD.” She banged on the glass smearing finger prints on it, and screamed.

“MY MOTHER WAS AN EVIL WOMEN-“ she continued to scream the word evil over and over again.

The doctor was floored. How could this chaotic, unhinged, ruthless, women be so pressed on the word mom?

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