Write a 500-word story that starts in one genre and ends in another.

Try to match two unlikely genres together, such as humour and horror!

Romancing The Wolf

Deborah felt her bosom heave as Roderick’s adoring eyes met hers.

“I cannot bear it any longer. I don’t care who your family is! I love you!”

As they shared a kiss, Deborah thought about all they’d been through.

Their awkward first meeting at the house, where she worked as a lowly scullery maid. Their occasional secret rendezvous. Roderick’s family trying to keep him away from this “commoner.” Princess Christina, who was meant to marry Roderick from the beginning, and would have done anything to eliminate Deborah. The attack by a wolf one evening as they strolled through the forest. The weeks of recovery from his wounds.

She, a commoner, overcame all of these obstacles to win her man. How hard she had labored, and so sweet the reward!

As they embraced, a soft breeze rustled the falling leaves. The sounds of the society ball, the horse-drawn carriages clopping along the cobblestones, the gentle burble of the fountain in the courtyard, even the chill of the early evening, seemed to fade out of existence during this moment.

They shared a passionate kiss—she had waited so long. It was torture to let the kiss go!

“Darling,” Roderick whispered. “I cannot wait any longer!”

He got down on his knees and pulled a small box out of his jacket pocket.

“Will you have me?” He asked, his eyes once again burning into her hers with passion.

“Oh Roderick!”

“Before you answer though —“ and his head turned to look above at the bright full moon — “there is something you should know.”

“Roderick? What is happening to you?”

The hands holding the box suddenly sprouted a pelt of coarse fur.

Roderick began to spasm, his body contorting as a cry of agony turned into a howl.

The box fell to the ground. A snout emerged from Roderick’s handsome face, while fangs burst from his bloodied gums.

His eyes, once full of love and adoration, turned to black orbs of indifference.

As Christina coldly watched from the balcony, she ordered the orchestra to play louder, to drown out that ridiculous girl’s screams.

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