by Louisa Wilhelm @ artstation

Write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph inspired by this setting.

The Cowboys

As the leader returned to his followers after foraging the surrounding areas, the sky began lighting with blue and pink neon lights. He hitched his horse to go faster up the mountain side trail, and as he watched the skies symbols started to appear and move within the waves of pink and blue. He approached the campsite by the cave ledge on the highest mountainside, and saw his partner throwing herbal ingredients into their campfire. With each toss, the fire burned a different color. Each herb tossed, his partner changed chants.

“Now when I met you down in the city, you didn’t tell me you did these kinds of things” He yelled still mounted on his horse “I don’t need no hoodoo-voodoo on this here trip!“ He chose to stay on the horse, until he was explained on what was brewing in front of him.

His partner stood from the log bench propped next to the fire and proclaimed, “This ain’t no ‘hoodoo-voodoo’ boss, I am just gifting the gods and goddesses with herbal sacrifice in return for showing us the way,” He points up towards the symbols flashing across the sky ‘The circles are moving and closing in on a specific set of constellations in the north direction.”

“So if you look that way, I think it tells us to head north towards Jamestown!” The younger partner of the two that were left at the campsite yelled out as he emerged from deep inside the cave. He held a torch in one hand, and rocks in the other.

“Now what did I tell you about venturing off by yourself?” The boss man yelled as he dismounted his horse. The younger partner dropped his rocks as the boss man yelled to him. The boss walked closer towards the fire, and the younger partner followed his lead to the campfire.

As they all sat around, the younger partner fidgeted with his hands in his lap. The older partner began sharpening sticks and stones to make arrows. The boss man took a seat and looked up into the sky towards the direction the symbols that were just displayed across. Suddenly he remembered how he was sent off to find food, and the crew hadn’t eaten in hours.

The boss stoop and walked over to the satchel draped across the horse. He pulled a few apples out of one pocket and oranges from another, stollen from the orchard farm not to many miles back on the trail. He handed them out to his partners, leaving a few sitting on a cloth next to the campfire.

“Now Jamestown ain’t were my family inheritance will be. We ain’t even from this area, still got about 150 miles north to go from here.” The boss reached his hands to his face pondering, “I don’t remember the town, but I know it ain’t Jamestown because I’ve been there before and looked on my way south to town where I found you fellas.”

“Well of course it doesn’t mean that is it’s location, just which way we should be headed.” The older partner shrugged as he continued with his spears. At this point he had a pile of ten next to his foot, and still had many more he planned to make throughout the night.

“I knew we was to be heading north, so that whole facade was useless.” The boss mumbled under his breath and rolling his eyes. He looked up to see if his partner had heard his words, but he continued making spears and the boss then thought nothing of it.

“So you decided to venture off—“ The boss man started to say to the younger partner when he was cut off.

“Actually,” The spear-making partner interrupted, “I told him he could look around the cave.” He now stopped making his spears and looked up to the boss.

“Well if you said so,” The boss man again mumbled, “I’m off to bed.”He walked up to his satchel and untied the rolled blanket on the side. He walked closer to the fire and draped the blanket across the gravely ground. As he sat down onto the blanket he looked into the fire and felt like he saw a presence standing within. He shook his head and proceeded to lay on the ground and keep his eyes to the sky. He watched as the clouds slowly rolled passed in the atmosphere, and eventually he drifted off to sleep.

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